Hearing Aid

Hearing aid fitting

1. Hearing Aid Selection
It is our mission at Bloor Hearing Clinic to strive for the success of every patient's hearing aid fitting, ensuring they are enthusiastic about wearing their hearing aids daily, and are able to enjoy social activities again. Being an independent hearing clinic in Toronto, we maintain no affiliations with specific manufacturers. Hearing aid selection takes into account the patient’s
– cosmetic preferences
– technology needs (i.e. connectivity to smart phones, streaming of music or tv shows, streaming of phone calls)
– dexterity considerations
– budget (i.e. payments plans)
– Most crucially, the degree of hearing loss, the listening environment and goals identified during the needs assessment in the hearing test appointment.
We recognize that each patient's hearing journey is unique, we prioritize delivering a personalized hearing aid fitting experience, recommending the brand, model, and technology level that best aligns with the individual patient's success.
2. Hearing Aid Programming
The value you get out of your hearing aid is dependant on the skills and abilities of your provider.
Regardless of the cost of the device, the advanced features of a hearing aid can only be optimized with the programming and adjustments performed by your audiologist.
After hearing aid selection, the audiologist will program the hearing aids according to the patients’ hearing test result and hearing preferences. Programming will be adjusted based patient feedback, to ensure the best listening experience.
3. Hearing Aid Verification
To objectively measure whether hearing aids are doing what they are supposed to do, we use the gold standard of hearing aid verification – Real ear measurement.
What is Real Ear Verification? Real Ear Verification is a procedure used to ensure proper sound quality of hearing aids, considering the patient’s hearing loss and ear anatomy. Every person's ear canal is different, this variation may cause over or under amplification.
During real ear measurement, a tiny soft probe microphone is placed in the ear canal along with the hearing aid. Patient sits quietly while they listen to a recording of a speech passage designed to incorporate most of the speech sounds used in the English language. A running measurement of how the hearing aid is working in the patient's ear tells the audiologist if the hearing aid is working correctly, or if it needs to be adjusted to give more or less sound at any particular pitch.
4. Hearing Aid usage guide
Once we complete the verification, we go over the usage and care of hearing aids. This includes practicing insertion, how to maintain and clean for the hearing aids. We take our time and make sure our patients feel comfortable and confident handling the hearing aids.
5. Hearing Aid Validation
A follow up appointment is booked at the 2 week mark, during which the audiologist and patient communicate how the hearing aids are performing and if any adjustments are needed. Advanced features may also be introduced at this appointment at the patient and clinician’s discretion.
Hearing Aid Programming
If you purchased your hearing aid out of town and needs programming, we can program all major manufacturers’ hearing aids for a fee.
The value you get out of your hearing aid is dependant on the skills and abilities of your provider. The advanced features of a hearing aid can only be optimized with the programming and adjustments performed by the audiologist.
Hearing Aid Demo
Many patients who need hearing aids are curious what they feel and sound like. At Bloor Hearing Clinic we give demos in the clinic so you can experience them on your ears. We recommend having a hearing test first so the hearing aids are programmed to the correct prescription. In addition, once you purchase the hearing aids you have an abundant time to try them in the comfort of your home to make sure they are the best hearing aids for you.
Hearing Aid Repair
If your hearing aids are not working and you no longer have access to your previous clinician, feel free to bring them to Bloor Hearing Clinic. We will help you find out if the hearing aids are under warranty, and find out how much repair is if out of warranty. Alternatively we can repair them on site if possible.

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1076 Bloor St W,
Toronto, ON M6H 1M6